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8 Labor Day Prayers

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Say these Labor Day prayers to celebrate, bless, and honor your employees on this holiday or to pray for yourself as a worker to ask for God’s blessings and favor.

Labor Day is a wonderful reminder of the gift of work. Though work can often be challenging, and even at times frustrating, it is not only a means through which God provides for us but it is also a part of His will and purpose for our lives. Whether you are in a difficult season at work, or you love the job that you have, these Labor Day prayers are a great way to ask God to bless your work and to provide for you

Work provides an opportunity to serve God. It is not only something we do that is separate from our faith, or walk with God, instead, it is only one area of many in which we can honor God and give Him glory. When we begin to see work as God intended, we not only find joy in the work we do, but we see that it serves a greater purpose.

Through our work, God teaches us to be patient, and hardworking, not to grumble and complain. There is the opportunity to remember that You are serving God, and not man, so our hearts and attitudes are challenged when it comes to work. 

As an encouragement, as you pray on this Labor Day weekend, here is what God’s Word says to you in Colossians 3:23-24, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

Labor Day Prayers

pic of an American flag with the words Labor Day and stars over it for 8 Labor Day Prayers post

1. A Short Labor Day Weekend Prayer


Thank You for a new day, and opportunity to serve You in my work. I confess work does not always feel like something to be thankful for, especially on days when I feel worn out, frustrated, overlooked, or simply like I am just trying to make it through the day. But Your Word reminds me of the blessing that work truly is.

This Labor Day weekend, I want to give You thanks for blessing me with a job. I know that it is through my work that You provide for me, and for those who I love. Thank You for meeting my needs, and granting me the skills and energy to do the work that I do. I ask that You transform the way I view work, and help me to see it as an extension of Your grace, and kindness toward me.

Please bless the work of my hands, and help me to make a difference in the workplace. Whether that is in the quality of my work, or the treatment of those around me. May they see the light of Christ shine through me, and may all that I do bring You glory.

In Jesus’ name, amen. 

2. A Prayer Of Gratitude For Hard-Working Employees

Father in heaven,

I want to lift prayers of gratitude to You for blessing me with my business, but especially with hard-working and loyal employees. Running a business can be so stressful, there are so many things to do, and I could not do it without all the people who You have brought into my life to work in the business. Please help me to show my appreciation to them, and treat them well.

I know that a business can only function as well as its employees are taken care of, equipped, and treated fairly. Please help me to see each of my employees as individuals who You have created, and to take more of an interest in them. Help me to encourage them, and to guide them, and correct them with gentleness and kindness. 

I ask that You bless their work and their contribution to the company. Please keep them safe, and grant them energy and desire to do their work, and to do it not for me, or the company, but most of all for You. May they know that their work does not go unnoticed, and may they feel appreciated and well compensated for their efforts.

In Jesus’ name, amen. 

3. A Prayer Asking For God’s Blessings & Favor

Dear God,

This Labor Day weekend I want to thank You for granting me a job. I know that there are so many people who are struggling to find a job or to make ends meet every month. Sometimes it can be so easy to grumble about work, or to forget that it is not something that we are simply forced to do, but it is something that we get to do, that You have given us. 

As I look to a new week of work that lies ahead, I ask that Your hand of blessing will be over me and my work. Please help me to see work as the gift that it is, and to know that You are with me as I work. I ask that You bless my hard work, and help me to gain favor with those around me, including my boss. May my work be a blessing to the business, and lead to more opportunities. 

Remind me each day that I am not working for man, but ultimately for You. With that truth in mind, I ask that You help me to change my demeanor towards work. Help me to see it as an opportunity to honor You with hard, and attentive work. Keep me from doing the bare minimum, and grant me the strength to work with all my heart.

In Jesus’ name, amen. 

4. A Prayer For Provision, Fair Compensation, & Wages


You are my Provider and the one who cares for me. This Labor Day, I want to give You thanks for Your provision. Though there have been times when I didn’t know how things would work out, or how ends would meet, You have always taken care of me. Thank You for Your constant love, and care, and the reminder not to be anxious about what I will eat, or wear, because You already know my needs. 

I pray for not only my own work situation but for all the work today. I ask that You bless us with jobs and opportunities that care for workers and their needs. I pray for fair compensation and wages. Please help us to get paid fairly for the work that we put in. I pray for those who are in charge of companies, that You would lead them to value their workers and to reward hard work appropriately. 

I pray against all abusive behaviors in the working environment. May there be fair treatment, and keep employees from being overworked and underpaid. I bring all my needs before You, knowing that You know what they are before I even say a word. May Your providence be ever-present in my life.

In Jesus’ name, amen. 

5. A Prayer Of Thankfulness For Jobs & Work


You are good, and every good and perfect gift comes from You. This Labor Day weekend I am grateful for many things. As I reflect on what this weekend means, I am reminded of what a blessing it is to work. You have not given us work as a punishment, but as a gift, and You have shown us an example of work. May my gratitude for work increase, and spill over into the quality of work that I do.

Though work is not always easy, and can at times feel like a burden, I know that it is part of Your plan for us. Please help me to see work as something that can be enjoyed, and as a means through which You bless and provide for us. Even now You are at work and have given us that same capability to work. Thank You that we get to share in that quality of Yours. 

Every day we are blessed by the work that others do, whether that is teachers, bakers, nurses, cleaners or musicians. All of these jobs have their place in the world and serve a purpose for the betterment of our lives. May my attitude towards work be one of gratitude and praise for the work that I get to do, and that I can glorify You through it.

In Jesus’ name, amen. 

6. A Prayer For Workers To Feel Satisfaction & Fulfillment 


I bring my work to You today in prayer. I confess it has felt easier for me to complain about my work than it has been to feel blessed by it. The circumstances at work are not always pleasant, and many times I feel weighed down by it. I know this is where You have me right now, so I ask that You help me to be patient and bear with it.

Please help me to see the opportunities that You give me through. Help me to remember that I represent You, not only in my life outside work but at work too. Grant me the self-control to not grumble, and complain. May the work that I do be done through Your strength. Please equip me to do the tasks at hand, and to do them well.

I ask for a feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment in my work. Help me to see the purpose that it serves, and to work at it mightily. In Jesus’ name, amen.

7. A Prayer For Bosses And Employers To Make Fair Decisions And Treat Their Employees Well

Dear God,

On this Labor Day weekend, my prayer is for all workers and bosses. I pray for the protection of all those workers who show up at work each day and work faithfully. I ask that You keep them from work situations, and management that exploit them, and do harm to them. Please lead them to jobs that not only pay them fairly, but that also treat them with respect and human dignity.

I pray for bosses and those who employ workers. I ask that You help them to make fair decisions, and to be gracious in their treatment towards their workers. Help them to know that the workers are the engine of their business and that workers who are cared for can apply themselves better to their work. 

I ask that You bless both bosses and their employees. May they work as a team, and have a mutual relationship of respect towards one another. I ask that Your justice be brought to those who are in working situations that abuse, exploit, and endanger them. Please bring those situations to light, and grant them fair and better opportunities.

In Jesus’ name, amen. 

8. A Daily Prayer For God To Bless Your Work & Make It Fruitful

Almighty God,

As I think of the work day that lies ahead, I am reminded of Your work in creation. Your work is displayed in the intricate details of the mountains, in the roaring power of the ocean, and in the people that I see every day. Among the different purposes You have given me, one of those is work. Thank You for the gift of work, and for the blessing it is in my life.

I ask that You bless my work and the efforts that I put into it. Help me to fully apply myself in my work, and to do it to the best of my ability. Remind me to do everything to the glory of God, and to do it heartily. May the work that I do be fruitful, and lead to blessings. 

Please help me to be an asset to the business and to those around me. Thank You for the opportunity to glorify You in my work. Help me to be a light and Christ-honoring representative in all that I do.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

More Prayers For Workers:

7 Morning Prayers for Work 

5 Prayers for a Good Day at Work

4 Business Prayers for Success

4 Prayers for Stress At Work

11 Closing Prayers For A Meeting