Becky lives in Texas with her husband and two sons. She is passionate about supporting people in drawing nearer to Christ using Scripture, prayer, and journaling.
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Do you have a stressful job, a difficult boss or co-worker, or a bad attitude at work? Here are 5 prayers for a good day at work.
Whenever you’re getting ready to start the day and heading to work, do you ever feel like it’s going to be a good day? Do you look forward to work, or is it something that you dread?
Wherever you stand, whether work has been something that you look forward to, or you want to look forward to more, we can always invite God into our workplace.
Sometimes it’s easy to separate God and our work, but work is a part of our lives, and we get to represent and serve God through the work that we do.
That is where verses like Colossians 3:23-24 come in, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”
The way we work, and the way we approach work has everything to do with our faith. That is good news, because we have a greater motivation to work because our work stretches beyond meeting deadlines, it is a way for us to learn to serve God diligently.
If you’re in need of having your perspective on work changed, and having a good day at work, despite what comes your way, here are a few prayers to kick off your day, and get you started.
5 Prayers for Good Day at Work
1. Prayer for a Good Attitude at Work
Thank You for a new day. I am grateful that I get to experience Your morning mercies, and for the gift of a new day. As I start this day, I don’t want to give into my flesh, and its feelings, I want to be led by Your Spirit.
My prayer is that You would help me fix my eyes on You throughout this day. Help me to approach work not as something that is burdening, but as a gift and a means through which You provide for me.
I may not always feel up for work or have the energy or an attitude of enthusiasm, but I know that You’re able to strengthen me and carry me through those kinds of days.
Sometimes it’s easy to allow external factors to dictate the way that I act. Please help me not to react to situations, but rather to respond, and to do so in a calm and self-controlled manner.
Help me to remember that it is not only my words that reflect Christ to those around me, but my demeanor and my enthusiasm also communicate a message. Please help me to be a diligent worker, and to do my work to the best of my ability.
Keep me from grumbling and complaining, and help me to remember that the work that I do is ultimately to serve You, and not to serve man. May this truth lead the way I approach work, and help me to work with joy. In Jesus’ name, amen.
2. Prayer to Bear the Fruit of the Spirit at Work
Thank You for not leaving us as orphans, but for sending Your Spirit to be with us. Thank You for guiding me, instructing me, and showing me the way I should go.
Please help me to bear the fruit of the Spirit in the workplace. Help me to practice self-control in times when it is hard, and it would be easy to be reactive.
Help me to be patient with those around me, and to show kindness to every person at work. As long as it is up to me, help me to be at peace with everyone at work. May I be a peacekeeper instead of a disruptor of it.
I ask for Your Holy Spirit to lead me and to strengthen me to die to myself, and to live for Christ. Help me to be an expression of the love and grace of Christ to my co-workers, and to tell of Him in both speech and deed.
Help me to be intentional in my interactions, and to show patience, kindness, forgiveness, joy, forbearance, faithfulness, and peace in every opportunity that presents itself.
Even in moments of conflict or tension, help me to be led by Your Spirit, and not act out of my flesh. Help my private and public life to be a worthy testament of Christ through my speech and actions. In Jesus’ name, amen.
3. Prayer to be Diligent at Work
It’s so easy for me to long for the end of the work day even before it has begun. Many days at work can be tedious, long, stressful, or just unpleasant altogether. But I know that it is a part of life that is important and requires my attention.
I confess, at times I try to cut corners or do the bare minimum. There are times I don’t work with focus and dedication, and when I am grumbling about my work constantly.
Your word says not to grumble or complain, and to work heartily at whatever you do. Please forgive me for the times when I grumble and complain about the work that I have to do or the people that I work with.
Help me to remember that work is not something that is a result of the fall, work is something that you created, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t come with its challenges in a fallen world, with broken people, including myself.
Please help me to grow in my discipline and diligence at work. Help me to rely on You, when I am feeling tired, and feel tempted to cut corners. Help me to be efficient yet thorough, and focused.
On days when I feel like I don’t have the energy or desire to go to work, please fill me with strength and help me to remember that I am working for You. Help me to stay encouraged through the day, and not be demotivated. In Jesus’ name, amen.
4. Prayer to Work for God Not Man
I am grateful for Your daily provision. Thank You for caring for me, and providing me with a job. I know that there are many people who don’t have jobs, and that it is something to give thanks for, rather than resent.
I know there is no perfect position, and that every job has its own challenges. Please help me to be content with where you have me, and if it is Your will for me to be somewhere else, please direct me there.
When I wake up in the morning and prepare myself for work, help me to set my eyes on You and Your word. Your word says I hold work with all my heart as working for the Lord, not for human masters. Please remind me of this when I get dismayed.
I want my work to show that I value Christ, and value being a follower of Christ. Please help me to reflect that through diligence, dependability, humility and hard work.
Keep me from being slothful, and doing a poor job at the tasks that are being entrusted to me. Help me to be on time, to be a team player, and to work not for man, but for You, and for Your glory, not my own.
Even when no one is around, help me to still uphold Christlike values and morals, and to remember that You see me, and are with me, and that is enough reason to work heartily. In Jesus’ name, amen.
5. Prayer for Peace At Work
Heavenly Father,
Thank You that I can come to You, and seek You in times of need. Thank You that You hear me, and that You show up in various ways in my life, including in my workplace.
It can be hard to work with others in a team. When different ideas, personalities, approaches and intentions come together, it is so easy to get into conflict and to breed contempt.
My prayer is that You would help me to be a peacemaker in the workplace. Help me to keep out of situations that cause unnecessary divisions, and factions between people.
Please help me, and my co-workers to respect one another, even when we don’t always agree with each other. Help us to treat one another with dignity, and to extend the same kindness towards each other that we would like shown to ourselves.
If there are any conflicts that have gone unresolved, please help it be addressed in a manner that is appropriate and respectful. If there are any things being spoken, or gossip going around, please put an end to it.
Please allow Your peace to set the tone of the workplace. Help us each to do our job heartily, and to help one another where and when we can. May we all realize that we have the opportunity to make the workplace something that we look forward to. In Jesus’ name, amen.