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4 Business Prayers for Success

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Are you seeking direction, hope, and growth for your business? These business prayers for success are here to empower and guide you.

When it comes to running a business, whether you’re a seasoned business owner or you’re just setting sail, there is always a need for guidance. There are plenty of unexpected changes that can affect your business and many opportunities that can lead to growth.

It’s no secret that starting a business is a big venture that comes with many challenges, and is rewarding at the same time. Everyone who sets out to start a business hopes for its success, and to see it grow exponentially.

Just like any area of our lives, our work and business life is something that we can bring before the Lord, asking for his guidance, wisdom, and hand of blessing in the growth of that business.

4 Business Prayers for Success

4 Business Prayers For Success - Woman smiling turning front door  Closed sign to Open

1. Prayer For A New Business

Whether you’ve had a business idea for a long time or you recently developed a business idea and decided to pour into it, you’ve taken a courageous step forward. Congratulations to you! 

The journey to starting a new business looks different for everyone, and there are so many factors that remain unknown until your business begins to get some traction. 

A few things you may need prayer for in this season is for continued optimism, determination, wisdom and patience. 


Thank You so much for this wonderful opportunity to start a business, and do something that I have aspired to do for so long. It hasn’t been without its challenges, and sometimes doubts creep in. But the fact that I am here today, and have the privilege of starting this business is a true gift. 

As this business is only in its beginning stages, my earnest prayer is that You would be the center of all I do. Whether that is having meetings, making decisions, or new ideas that I am exploring, please help me to seek Your wisdom and guidance throughout.

I am so grateful that I can bring what is important and dear to me to You in prayer, knowing that You care for the things that are happening in my life. I know there is no better place for me to trust my business in than Your hands.

As I set off on this journey, I ask that You would grant me patience, direct my decisions, and lead me to partner with the right people. Please help me to connect with my audience, not only to gain their support, but for my business to be a blessing to them as well. 

May my business appeal to the right clients, and may it grow as I learn more about them, and what is needed in this market. More than anything, help me to reflect Christ and biblical values in all that this business does. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

2. Prayer For Business Growth

No matter where you’re at with your business, one thing that every business owner desires is to see growth. Whether that’s growth in sales, products, physical expansion or new customers. 

Growth is often an indication that your business is moving in the right direction, and that it has the potential to become bigger than where you first started.

Whether your business seems to have a steady stream of growth or it has been stagnant or on the decline, there is always the opportunity to pray for God’s help in bringing new customers and opportunities your way.


I am so grateful for this business that You’ve blessed me with. It isn’t always an easy task to run a business, and it can feel discouraging at times, but I know that I’m not alone and that I have You to turn to.

Today I want to lift up my business before You in prayer. I know that there is no task that is impossible for You, and nothing that I find difficult that You cannot do. 

I admit that it can be stressful when the numbers go down, or you don’t feel as though you are reaching your goal for the month. Please help me to not feel overcome in those moments, but to seek Your peace.

I ask that You bless my business and all that I do within it. May the decisions that are made be guided by You, and may Your goodness flow throughout it. 

If there are any changes that need to be made or any blind spots that are keeping the business from growing, please make that clear to me, and help me to address it effectively.

Please help my business grow, and bring the right customers before me. May those who need what my business sells find it and be blessed by it. Help my business grow in sales, opportunities and character. In Jesus’ name, amen.

3. Prayer For Wisdom In Business Decisions

Just as in life, business comes with various decisions that need to be made. When you first started your business, there were plenty of questions that you needed to ask yourself, and that needed answers. 

Some business decisions can be fun or involve creativity, while others may require a lot of calculating, wisdom and guidance. Especially when you have a big business decision that needs to be made, you may feel anxious or wonder if you are making the right decision.

One of the greatest gifts we have as believers is that we can come to God who is all-knowing, all-wise, and sovereign over all things. If you have a decision ahead of you, seek God, and His wisdom and guidance. 

Heavenly Father,

Where do I even begin? I am so thankful for Your gracious hand over my life and my business. Though business may feel uncertain at times, I know that You remain the same, and I can always turn to You.

Right now I am in need of wisdom that goes above my own understanding and knowledge. There are decisions that I need to make in my business, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t anxious about making them.

I know anxiety doesn’t add a day to my life, so I want to lay that down before You and ask that You fill me with Your peace. I don’t want to lean on my own understanding of things, I want to seek Your guidance and wisdom. 

I ask for Your direction in the decisions that need to be made, and that You would go before me. Please fill me with Your wisdom, and show me the way I should go. 

If there are doors that I am considering that need to be shut, I ask that You make that clear, and close them. If the decision that needs to be made is a tough decision, I ask that You would grant me the courage to do so. 

Help me to put my trust in You when I am faced with business decisions, and to lean on You for direction. Help me to submit to Your guidance and remain faithful to You regardless of the outcome. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

4. Prayer For A Successful Business 

Success can be a tricky term to define. Perhaps the most common way we view success, especially in business is by having many clients and making massive profits. 

That kind of success is what any business owner hopes for when they first set off on the journey of a new business, but it is not only those external displays that matter when it comes to success, it is how we get there.

It matters that we are honest in our business dealings and that we treat people with integrity. It matters that we are grateful even for the small wins, and another day to do what we’re doing. It matters that we entrust ourselves and our business in God’s hands.

What may seem like success from the outside can easily be driven by greed, dishonesty, and boastfulness. But this is not how God calls us to live or to conduct our business. 

Instead, it is an opportunity to serve others, and to receive a reward for the fruit of our labor. How we get to success matters as much as getting to success itself. 


Thank You so much for the example that Christ has set for us in scripture. He not only taught through His words but He taught through His actions. Please help me to follow in His example not only in my personal life, but in my business. 

I ask that You would help me to reframe my understanding of success, and see it not as a big moment that takes place, but as something I get to do each day that contributes to that success.

Please help me to look beyond my clients as simply consumers, and see people who You call me to serve, and to do so with kindness, patience, and understanding. 

I ask that You would bless every aspect of my business, and allow it to bloom just like that tree that finds its source from You. Whether in or out of season, may this business continue to grow. 

May it not only be successful in numbers or profit, but in service, and in the way that business is conducted. Please infuse this company with integrity and bless all its activities. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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