Becky lives in Texas with her husband and two sons. She is passionate about supporting people in drawing nearer to Christ using Scripture, prayer, and journaling.
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Say these prayers of gratitude to express your grateful heart for God’s grace, mercy, faithfulness, patience, compassion, and all of His blessings.
There is so much to be grateful for when we think of the Lord’s goodness and mercy towards us. One of the best ways we can express our gratitude to God is through lifting up prayers of gratitude to His name.
When we express our gratitude to the Lord, we are taking a moment to reflect on how kind He has been to us, knowing that it is not because of our own righteousness but out of the deep love with which He has loved us.
It can be easy to get caught up with the worries of life, or overwhelmed by the circumstances that we are facing. It only takes a moment to realize how much we have to be grateful for, and that gratitude can do wonders to our hearts.
Prayers Of Gratitude

1. Grateful For God’s Faithfulness
Heavenly Father,
There aren’t enough words in all the world to express just how grateful I am for You, and Your faithfulness to me. So many times I have been unfaithful, yet, You remain faithful because it is who You are, and You cannot deny Yourself.
Thank You for walking beside me all these years, and for never leaving or forsaking me. In times when it felt as though I was all alone, I can look back now and see Your loving hand all around me, even in my darkest times.
I want to thank You, Lord, for Your goodness to me. Even when I couldn’t understand, You carried me, and brought me peace that surpasses all human understanding. Thank You Lord, for Your faithfulness to me. In Jesus’ name, amen.
2. A Prayer Of Gratitude For The Lord’s Mercy
I don’t even want to think of where I would be if it weren’t for Your mercy. When I was in the deep pit of my sin, and destruction, Your gracious hand reached out to me and drew me out of the pit. You set my feet on a rock, and poured out Your life-giving mercy on me.
I praise You for Your kindness that leads me to repentance, and Your patience that suffers long with me. Thank You for Your mercies that are new each morning, and a continual reminder to me of Your love, grace and faithfulness, especially in times when I have lost sight of it.
Thank You Lord for not giving me what I deserve, and withholding the rightful punishment for my sin from me with Your merciful hand. Thank You Jesus for taking my sin upon Yourself, and doing what I could not do, nailing sin on the cross and defeating it once and for all. In Jesus’ name, amen.
3. Thanks For God’s Grace
Gracious God,
It is because of Your amazing grace that I can lift up these words of thanksgiving today. Thank You, Lord, for Your amazing grace that saved a wretch like me. Thank You for coming to seek and save the lost, of which I am one.
Thank You so much for Your grace revealed in the person and work of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. There is not an ounce of righteousness in myself, or deeds that have caused Your grace to extend to me, but Your great love and grace alone.
My whole life speaks of Your grace. You not only showed me grace when You rescued me from my sin, but You continue to shower me with Your grace each and every day. Thank You Lord for Your goodness and grace to me. In Jesus’ name, amen.
4. Gratitude For The Lord’s Compassion
In the Word You are described as the Father of compassion and God of all comfort. That is only one of the many ways in which I have had the blessing to know You and experience Your love. Thank You for looking down at us with compassion, and for sending Your Son to earth, so that we might have life.
Thank You for Your daily care, and for Your kindness towards me. If it weren’t for Your compassion, I don’t know where I would be. Thank You for adopting me into Your family and granting me the right and privilege to be called a child of God.
Your compassions never fail, Lord, they are new each day. Thank You for allowing me to live in the light of Your kindness and compassion each day. May Your goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.
5. Prayer Of Thankfulness For Answered Prayers
There are so many things that I am grateful for today, but I am especially thankful for all the prayers that You have answered in my life. Sometimes those answers seemed clear, and at other times they were hard to understand or accept, but every time, You lead me in Your wisdom, and kindness.
Thank You for always being there for me, and for hearing my prayers. Even in the moments when it is hard to find the words to say, Your Holy Spirit knows exactly what I am feeling, and what is on my heart. Before I even say a word, You know what I am thinking.
I give You all the glory and praise, for You are good! Thank You for faithfully carrying me through every season of life, answering my prayers and leading me onto the path of life. In Jesus’ name, amen.
6. Grateful For Blessings
Heavenly Father,
You are the greatest blessing of my life! There is nothing and no one who compares to You. You are the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, and it is only a miracle that I get to call You my Father and my Friend.
I wouldn’t be able to count all the ways in which You have blessed me. Thank You for all the undeserving goodness and kindness that You bestow on me daily. Thank You for the blessing of Your love that has made me new, and continues to shape me each day.
Thank You for every spiritual blessing with which You have blessed me and for the blessings that I can see and experience in my life every day. Thank You for Your continued providence, and how You care for me. Help me to never take a single thing for granted. In Jesus’ name, amen.
7. Prayer of Thanks For A New Day
Dear God,
Thank You for blessing me with a new day. It can be so easy to simply expect or assume that a new day will be afforded to us, but I’m reminded that a new day is a gift in itself because it is owed to none of us.
It is one of the many ways in which I get to experience Your mercy today, and for that I am very grateful. Thank You Lord for the lungs in my breath, for blessing me with health, and for providing for my daily needs.
Please help me to live each day intentionally, knowing that it is a gift. Help me not to waste my days but to make use of the time that You have given me, and spend it on ways that bless others and glorify You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
8. Thanking God For His Guidance
Heavenly Father,
I want to lift up my prayer of thanksgiving to You for guidance in my life. Though I have stumbled many times, and fallen other times, Your steady hand has continued to guide me, and show me the way that I should go.
In times when I didn’t know the way forward, or it didn’t seem like there was a way out, You provided a way, and You walked with me. Thank You for Your faithful hand in my life, and for guiding me in Your wisdom and understanding.
Help me not to lean on my own understanding, but in all my ways acknowledge You, knowing that You will make straight my path. In Jesus’ name, amen.
9. Grateful For God’s Word
Thank You for making Yourself known to us through Your Word. Your Word is active and alive, it is sharper than any two-edged sword, and is able to discern the thoughts and intentions of our hearts. And we get the privilege of having Your Word available to us.
Thank You for teaching us Your ways, and for helping us grow in Christlikeness as Your Word works in our hearts. Thank You for the wisdom of Your Word, that instructs us, corrects us, encourages us, and equips us for good works.
Your Word truly is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. It is a sure foundation on which we can build our lives upon. Please help me to grow in my love for Your Word, and to feast on it daily. In Jesus’ name, amen.
10. Prayer To Give Thanks For The Gift Of Life
Every good and perfect gift comes from You, and the gift of life is no exception. Thank You, Lord, for the breath that You have breathed into our lungs and for sustaining us each and every day. The very air that I breathe is dependent on You, and apart from You, I can do nothing.
Please forgive me for the times that I have taken this gift for granted, and forgotten how much of a blessing it is. Help me to live each day in the light of this truth, and to live with a heart full of gratitude.
Thank You for not only sustaining my earthly life, but for the ultimate gift of eternal life through Jesus my Savior. I rejoice knowing that my life is His, and that I will live with Him forever and ever. In Jesus’ name, amen.
11. Thanking God For Salvation Through Jesus Our Savior
Gracious God,
It is hard to fathom that the God of all the universe would take my place on the cross. Yet, that is exactly what You have done. You sent Your Son to earth, to give His life as a ransom for many. I am alive because You died so that I could have life, and have it abundantly.
Thank You Lord for Your mercy that looked upon me, and made a way. Thank You for saving me from my sin, and washing me clean with the precious blood of the Lamb. You have stripped away my stench of sin, and given me a fragrant smell.
Just as Jesus died on my behalf, I ask that You would help me to live for Him each day. May zeal for You spill out of every area of my life, and help me to be a bearer of the good news of Jesus to others. In Jesus’ name, amen.
More Gratitude Prayers:
Prayers For Thanksgiving Dinner: Heartfelt Prayers & Blessings Of Gratitude