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These prayers for God’s glory help you pray for wisdom & guidance in how to glorify God with your thoughts, actions, relationships, and more.
The glory of God is a concept used to describe the eternal splendor and majesty of God, the manifestation of the entire nature of God.
The Scriptures speak of the glory of God from the very first pages of the creation story all the way to the description of the end times when all creatures on, above, and under the earth unite to declare the glory and majesty of the Most Holy God.
Understanding in deeper ways the meaning of the glory of God will deepen our love for God and faith in Him, and allow us to walk more intimately with Him each day of our lives.
The Hebrew term for “glory” actually means being weighty, or having great importance, related to extreme power or strength. It is also used to describe honor, magnificence, dignity, and splendor.
In essence, the glory of God is used to describe the full manifestation of the nature of God. Glory is often used to describe the external manifestation of God, but it is also an intrinsic characteristic of who God is even before the world existed.
Just as the heavens declare the glories of God and the skies declare His handiwork (Psalm 19:1), we too as God’s precious creations who were lovingly made in the very image of God are to declare the glory of God in our lives.
This seems like an overwhelming task! When we think of the infinite nature of God and the hugeness of His splendor and majesty, it is staggering to think of how our meager lives can accomplish this.
We long to glorify God, but we aren’t sure what that looks like as we live our lives. First of all, remember that as a follower of Christ, you already have the Holy Spirit living within you and He will be faithful to reflect God’s glory through your life as you surrender yourself to Him.
Secondly, by the power of God’s grace given to us, we can use our thoughts, words, actions, relationships with others, acts of worship, and even our prayers to bring glory to God.
Use these prayers for God’s glory to give you wisdom and motivation for ways to glorify God in every part of your lives, honoring Him with your thoughts, words, and actions each day.
7 Prayers For God’s Glory

1. Short Prayer For God’s Glory
Dear Most Holy God,
You are indeed glorious and majestic in splendor. You deserve all honor and worship and praise. You are called the Glorious One and Your brilliance and awesome might and power cannot be contained in all the heavens and the earth.
Lord, You have revealed Your glory to us over and over again as You have proved to us in Your Word, through the life of Jesus, and in our own lives as a holy, righteous, powerful, creative, powerful, loving, and gracious God.
And yet, I still can only grasp the tiniest glimpse of Your glory because it is so far beyond what my finite human brain can comprehend. Have mercy on me and allow me to experience Your glory in deeper and deeper ways.
Lord, the cry of my heart is to glorify You with my entire being, with all that I say and do. Show me how to exalt You as the Lord of my life and bring You honor and praise with everything that I am.
You alone deserve all the glory for You alone are God. May every aspect of my life point to the goodness and greatness of my loving God whom I serve with gratitude and humility.
Glorify Your name, O God! Amen.
2. A Prayer That Your Thoughts Would Glorify God
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8
Dear Faithful Father,
I know that the things that dwell in my mind often overflow into the emotions I experience, the words I speak, and the actions I take each day. So I ask, dear Lord, that You would cause me to fix my mind on You– on Your beauty, Your love, Your truth-filled promises, and Your grace and mercy. Please purify my thoughts and allow only good and holy things to fill my mind.
Paul reminds us in Scripture to think about those things that are excellent and praiseworthy because these are the things that reflect Your character in our lives. We should set our mind upon those things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable if we truly long to glorify You with our minds.
Help me to set my mind on things above– things that reflect the Kingdom of God– instead of earthly things that often occupy my thoughts.
Lord, I ask that You would search my mind and help me to repent of sinful thoughts, and attitudes of my mind that cause me to criticize instead of love, selfish considerations, and reflections that do not honor You.
Purify my mind and allow me to immediately catch those thoughts that go astray, filtering each thought through the truth of Your Word. Let Your love and mercy penetrate my thoughtlife, so that I can confidently bring honor to Your holy name with every thought that occupies my mind.
Allow Your goodness and grace to fill every part of my mind, permitting me to speak the truth in love as I reflect Your glory to all those around me with everything I say, think, and do. Thank You for Your abundant mercy that gives me the grace to grow in the ways that my mind ponders the things of God.
Please conform my mind to that of Christ more and more each day. Amen.
3. A Prayer For Your Actions To Bring Glory To God
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16
Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank You for pouring such amazing grace and love into my life as You have redeemed my life and declared that You long for me to live an abundant life in Christ. As a child of God who has been freed and delivered, I yearn to shine the light of God on all that are near so that they may experience the love of God in profound ways.
As I seek to live according to Your commands and Your truth, may my good deeds, faithful actions, and kind behavior cause others to glorify You, my Father in heaven. I want others to see You in the ways that I live.
I do not want them to be impressed by my kindness or patience, but instead, see that the God whom I love is powerfully at work in my life. May Your Holy Spirit draw others into the arms of Jesus because of how I live each day.
Lord, I pray that whatever I do, whether in word or deed, is done for the glory and honor of the God Most High. If I am eating or drinking, may I do it for the glory of God. If I am playing with my kids or working at my job, may I do it as though I am doing it to the Lord. If I am volunteering at a soup kitchen or walking my dog, may I do it for the glory of God.
Please transform any deed that I do into an act of worship unto the God who is worthy of all honor and glory and praise. Let the light of Christ shine brightly through my life so that all those around me can sense the love, joy, and peace of God illuminating their lives. Lord, be glorified in me. Amen.
4. A Prayer For Your Relationships To Reflect The Glory And Goodness Of God
I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:1-3
Dear Father God,
I thank You so much for the blessings You have brought into my life through my family and friends. Each one of them has so plentifully enriched my life and has taught me so much about myself and about You. I pray that Your Spirit would be at work growing, deepening, and refining these relationships so that they reflect Your character and bring You honor.
Please be exalted in the words that I speak, the love that I demonstrate, the humility that I embrace, and the sacrifices that I make as I connect with those I love. Allow me to embrace Your agape love as I honor and serve each one of them, and also cause me to receive the love and goodness of God in the ways that they encourage and bless my laugh.
Let our laughter, joy, fellowship together, compassionate embraces, and peace-filled silences reflect the ways that You relate to us as Lord, Father, and Friend. May we truly see the face of Jesus in one another as we live life together in the good times and bad.
May those who witness me interacting with friends and loved ones truly see Christ revealed and be drawn nearer to Him because of how Your love has transformed our lives.
Lord, I also pray that You would reveal ways that I can grow spiritually through my relationships as You reveal areas where I need to sacrifice my pride, instances where I need to repent of harsh words spoken, and ways in which I need to place others above myself. Please refine my relationships with Your holy fire, allowing me to better reflect the glory of the Lord in my life.
I surrender all these things into Your hands. Amen.
5. A Prayer To See Glimpses Of God’s Glory Here On Earth
And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18
Dear God Almighty,
As I learn how to live a godly life in Christ and walk according to Your ways, I find that I am falling more in love with You each day and my spirit yearns to see glimpses of Your glory displayed here on earth. Thank You for the ways that You are continually revealing more of Yourself to me, and I ask that You would open the eyes of my heart and spirit to You glorified, to see You high and lifted up in splendor and majesty.
When Moses asked to see God’s glory, he had to hide in a rock with God’s hand covering him because God’s glory was so overwhelming that no one could see it and love. I praise You, Lord, that as Your redeemed children we can now contemplate Your glory with unveiled faces through God’s Spirit.
Lord, Your glory is displayed through all of creation. You can display Your glory through the taste of an exquisite meal, through the beauty of a newborn baby’s cry, or through the exquisite satisfaction of a good night’s rest.
Lord, I pray that You would allow me to see Your presence and Your glory in every aspect of life– in a powerful truth that penetrates my heart from Your Word, in an exquisite moment of worship, in the loving embrace from a friend. Lord, Your Spirit gives me life and encouragement, and strength to face each new day. May I perceive Your nearness as You reveal Your glory to me in exciting and extravagant new ways.
As I perceive Your glory in greater ways, let me treasure the truth that You are actually transforming me into the image of God, with ever-increasing glory. The Spirit of God is taking me from glory to glory and revealing His glory through me as I trust Him and walk with Him by faith.
Thank You, Jesus! Lord, You are so faithful and so incredible to me. I anxiously anticipate the day when I am able to see You face to face and truly experience the fullness of Your glory for all eternity.
To God alone be the glory and praise! Hallelujah! Amen.
6. A Prayer to Glorify God Through Worship
Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim His salvation day after day. Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; He is to be feared above all gods. 1 Chronicles 16:23-25
Dear Magnificent God,
I thank You for the opportunity to glorify You as I sing praises to Your name in worship, bowing down before You and declaring Your splendor and majesty alongside with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I long to proclaim Your goodness and love and mercies to all who will listen because You have been so good to me and are so worthy of praise.
May You be pleased with the fragrant offering of worship that I bring as I lay my life before You and glorify Your name.
Lord, I pray that I would worship You not only when I sing songs to You at church, but also that I would live a life of worship, testifying of Your goodness and love at every chance that I get. Give me the words to speak as I declare Your marvelous deeds to my friends and family, boldly sharing Your love with all those You bring across my path.
Lord, may You increase my joy as I glorify Your name and worship You with all of my heart and soul, giving You thanks and honor for all the amazing things You have done and are doing in my life.
Lord, it is easy to get caught up in the details that consume my life on a daily basis, but I pray that You remind me that my number one purpose in my life is to glorify You with my entire being, offering my life to You as my spiritual offering of worship. Thank You for revealing Your glory within me as I seek to glorify Your name in all I say and do.
I lift Your name on high. Amen.
7. A Prayer to Glorify God When I Pray Boldly
And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. John 14:13-14
Dear Jesus,
I come to You asking for the humility to approach the Father in prayer as I boldly come to the throne of grace in Your name asking for God to accomplish mighty things. When I ask things in Your Name, You will answer my prayers and God the Father will be glorified as we see His power and might manifest in miraculous ways in our lives.
Jesus, thank You for Your promise to accomplish powerful works and reflect God’s glory as we are willing to trust You to do great things in our lives.
At times I am tempted to try to solve things on my own, but I thank You that You are most glorified in my life when it is obvious that these things only occurred because of the power of God who manifests His love as He does the impossible. Please increase the boldness and reckless abandon of my prayers in order to give God the most glory possible. Only He is worthy and able to fulfill all of His promises.
Jesus, rain down Your mercy and grace upon my life as I trust You to accomplish anything I ask in the power of Your name. You move mountains and calm the raging seas; how could You not also answer every one of my prayers? Please give me bountiful faith and unwavering confidence as I come to You in prayer in all things, trusting that Your name will be glorified to the ends of the earth.
More Prayers To Bring Glory To God:
3 Prayers For Growing Closer To God
12 Bible Verses and 4 Prayers for Boldness