Becky lives in Texas with her husband and two sons. She is passionate about supporting people in drawing nearer to Christ using Scripture, prayer, and journaling.
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Embrace hope and faith with these prayers for guidance, surrounded by encouragement and compassion as you seek God’s direction.
We all need guidance at different points in our lives. Whether we have to make a small decision or one that will impact our lives drastically, we can always benefit from guidance, especially when it is godly guidance.
One of the best ways we can seek guidance is through prayer. When we come to God in prayer to seek guidance for the decisions and circumstances that we are facing, what we are really doing is putting aside our own understanding, and leaning on His wisdom to guide us. And who better to show us the way than He who is the way!
If you are looking for prayers for guidance, I hope that these will do just that for you.
Prayers for Guidance

1. Prayer for God’s Guidance In Decision-Making
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” – Psalm 32:8
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for always being with me. I am thankful that I can turn to You in times of confusion, and when I need direction on where to go and what to do next. Today, I am especially needing Your guidance in the decisions that lie before me. I don’t want to rely on my own understanding, or make hasty decisions based on my emotions or my own wisdom.
Please grant me peace during this process. I am seeking Your wisdom and understanding. Please show me the way I should go and instruct me in Your wisdom and foreknowledge. Help me to stay close to You through every step along the way, and to know that You have Your eye fixed on me. Remind me that I don’t have to be afraid, because You are with me, and I am safe in Your presence. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.
2. Prayer for Guidance from the Holy Spirit
“But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.”
– John 16:13
Thank You for giving me Your Holy Spirit, who is my counselor in times of need, and reminds me of Your words when I need them most. Please help me to depend on Your Spirit more than I do on my flesh.
Sometimes it is easy to forget that there are two natures inside of me that are at war. My flesh, and the Spirit, who have opposing desires. In this time when I need guidance and direction, I ask that You would help me to put aside any guidance that is driven by my flesh.
Help me to recognize when it is my flesh that I am trusting in, instead of Your Holy Spirit. Help me to grow in my time spent in Your word and in prayer, so that the Spirit’s prompting and guidance will become more and more clear to me. I ask that Your Holy Spirit would lead me in the way I should go, and warn me of the way that I should avoid. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.
3. Prayer for Guidance for the Day Ahead
“This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
– Psalm 118:24
I am grateful that You have spared my life for another day. Though there may be challenges and trials, remind me that each new day is a gift from You. As I start the day, I ask that You would go before me and guide me in the way.
When I face any difficulties, when I am enjoying something, or when I am interacting with others. I ask that You would guide my words and my deeds. Please clothe me with Your armor, and help me to keep my heart and mind guarded against temptations and any form of evil. Please provide for my needs, and fill me with Your truth and grace.
Grant me wisdom where I need it today, and help me be a blessing to others. I know that I may plan my day, but it is ultimately You who will direct my path, and who is sovereign over all that
happens today. Help me to lean on You throughout this day, and to stay in communication with You. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.
4. Prayer for Godly Wisdom
“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
– James 1:5
Heavenly Father,
Today I ask not for the wisdom of man, but for the kind of wisdom that only You can offer. That is a God-centered wisdom that guides me on how to live practically in my day-to-day life. Whether that is in the decisions that I have to make, the words that I choose to speak, or the things that I choose to do, or not to do.
Your word says if we ask, and we do so in faith, You will grant us wisdom generously. I ask that You would impart Your wisdom on me today. Please keep me from being a double-minded person who is torn between trusting the world and trusting You. Thank You for giving me the gift of Your word which makes wise those who diligently study it and look to it for truth and life.
Please help me to become someone who turns to Your word for wisdom, and who does not simply turn away and forget it but it who puts it into practice. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.
5. For Godly Discernment
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
– Romans 12:2
Thank You for giving me new life in Christ. I am thankful that You have taken my old heart of stone and given me a heart of flesh that can respond to Your word, and to Your Spirit. I ask that You would help me to renew my mind daily in this new reality, and new life that I get to live in Christ.
There are many times when I conform to the patterns of this world, and as a result don’t discern the way that I should go or the thing that I should do. But Your word says that we should be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Please transform, and renew my mind, Lord.
Help me to grow in godly discernment, and to accurately judge a situation or intention. I ask that Your word would take root in my heart and mind and lead me in times when discernment is necessary and needed. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.
6. A Prayer for When You Are Feeling Uncertain
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
– Hebrews 13:8
I confess that I am feeling uncertain today. Uncertain as to what to do, and what lies ahead for me. That feeling of uncertainty leads to so many other things, but especially fear, fear of the future, fear of the outcome, an all-consuming fear. I know that Your word calls me out of fear, and into faith in Christ who never leaves me nor forsakes me.
Please forgive me for the fear that I have gripped onto, and for forgetting to turn to You in trust and confidence. Though life may be uncertain and can change at the drop of a hat, You never change and You are absolutely certain. Your character never changes, which means that I can trust You. I can trust that You will be faithful and that Your word is truth.
I can trust that You will be with me to the end of the age, and that I do not have to fear. Not because things aren’t scary, but because You are with me, and there is nothing that scares or surprises You. That is why I turn to You, asking that You would help me to place my faith and my hope in Your unchanging word and to fix my eyes on You. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.
7. A Prayer for Guidance from Godly Counsel
“For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers.”
– Proverbs 11:14
Heavenly Father,
I am so grateful that I can turn to Your word for counsel and guidance. Your word also speaks about the gift and benefit of having people in your life who will give you godly advice and guidance. Please help me to reach out to people who desire to serve You, and who will always point me back to You.
I ask that You bring people into my life who I can share my life with, and who can speak into my life and give me godly counsel. Sometimes it is easy to rely on my own conclusions and make decisions without asking for input and guidance.
I know not every decision requires counsel, but in those that do, I ask that You would remind me to seek out godly counsel and to take it to heart. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.