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Becky lives in Texas with her husband and two sons. She is passionate about supporting people in drawing nearer to Christ using Scripture, prayer, and journaling.
Pray these 8 prayers when you’re worried and need to feel connected to God to experience His peace that passes all understanding.
Worry has a way of creeping into the crevices of our heart and mind and emptying us of every good thing. Worry is a taker, not a giver. That is why many of us feel so weary, discouraged, and uneasy in the face of worry.
Worry is often a daily struggle for most people. Many of us worry about our finances, our future, our loved ones, or our needs. The best way for us to combat worry is to pray.
These prayers are a great place to start to help you pray over any worrying areas in your heart and your life. Whether you are worried about a colicky baby, an emotionally abusive marriage, your pregnancy, or anything else that may be worrying you in life right now, use these prayers as a guide to lift your eyes back to Jesus.
A quote by the incredible Corrie Ten Boom says, “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength.” This couldn’t be more true.
We may not always know how to pray when it comes to worry. For guidance in our prayers, we can turn to God’s Word, which has much to say on the topic of worry.
These prayers are all guided by Scripture, and help you pray God’s word back to Himself. All Bible verses below are from the NIV Bible translation.
8 Prayers to pray when you are worried
A prayer to lean on Him when worried
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
1 Peter 5:7
Lord, I know that worry takes more than it gives. But sometimes I feel so alone in my concerns. It feels like the things that are weighing me down and spiraling me into worry are mine to bear alone. But I am only one person, Lord, and I know I need to realize that I can’t do it on my own.
Please help me to come to you with my load. Help me to unburden my heart before You, knowing that You care about me. You don’t only care for me, but You care about the things that I worry about.
I ask that You release me from this burden of worry and help me rest in Your love for me. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
A prayer to invite God into your secret thoughts
“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.”
Psalm 139:23
Father, I know that there is nothing that I can hide from Your face. Even before I say a word, You know it, even before I think a thought You are aware of it. How can I shield these worrying thoughts from You?
The truth is that I can’t. And that is a relief, because not only do You know every detail about me and my innermost thoughts, You love me despite them.
My prayer, Lord, is that You would search deep inside my anxious thoughts. That You would help me see the root of it. Whether it is a wavering faith, a lack of trust, something I need to seek Your guidance for. Help me see the root of my worries. In Your Name, I pray, amen.
A prayer to turn to Him in every situation
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
Philippians 4:6
Heavenly Father, You care for the small and big details of our lives. There’s nothing too big or too small that I can’t come to You for. It all serves as an opportunity to rely on You more.
I have to admit, it’s difficult not to be anxious, Lord. Every day I’m faced with situations that cause me to worry, or entices me to fear. But Your word tells me that every day is also an opportunity to pray in the face of worry.
Whenever I’m met with a situation, help me face it with prayer instead of worry. Help me turn to You, and away from anxious thoughts. In Your Name, I pray, amen.
A prayer to trust God with your needs
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?”
Matthew 6:25
Lord, how easy it is for me to forget that my life is only a small part that I see, while You see the whole of life. It’s not always the bigger decision in life that brings worry, sometimes it’s the small everyday stresses that keep me from trusting You wholly.
You know my needs even before I mention them. But more than that, You know what is best for me, Lord. That is why I bring my needs to You today.
I pray that You would help me to steward well the things You have entrusted me with, and provide where there is a lack in my life. Help me to see beyond my daily needs and join You in the work You’re wanting to do through my life. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
A prayer to trust God for each day
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
Matthew 6:34
O God, there is no one who remains unchanged as You do. Tomorrow is a new day, and there is no guarantee what it will look like. Yet Your word says that You remain the same. Yesterday, today, and forever.
Please, help me to lay down my worries about a tomorrow that I can’t control, a tomorrow that I can’t affect by worrying. Tomorrow may have new troubles but today, tomorrow, and forever, You are good.
Help me to entrust every day to You. Remind me the moment I wake up that You hold my day, and that I can rest my cares in You. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
A prayer for an encouraged heart
“Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.”
Proverbs 12:25
Lord, my heart feels as though it is growing sick with worry. I feel weighed down by the things that are happening in my life. And I don’t want to walk around each day with a burden that You haven’t called me to carry.
Your word is that kind word that cheers up my heart. It is the balm that heals, and the bandage that binds. Help me to turn to Your word when I am prone to worry. Help me to run to Your word before I turn to any other means to rescue me.
Let Your word lift up my heart and lighten it from its heaviness. Help me to seek You as my first resort, and not as my last in all my fears. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, amen.
A prayer to find God’s peace in worry
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
John 14:27
Father, I could really use Your peace at this moment. My heart is filled with worries about my life, about tomorrow, and the responsibilities that I have.
The truth is that my heart does feel troubled. Yet, Your word says not to let my heart be troubled. I can’t do that with my own peace, or that of the world, which is an empty promise.
But my troubled heart can be settled by Your peace. The peace You give that truly reaches my heart. Please give me that peace, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, amen.
A prayer to trust the Lord’s ways
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
Proverbs 3:5-6
Lord, when I try to think of my own ways out of my worries, I only dig a deeper hole for myself. I know at times I trust in my own understanding, and even when things work out, I have missed out on an opportunity to turn to You.
Please forgive me for the times I lean on my own wisdom. Forgive me for forgetting who truly is all-wise and who is able to calm the worrying storms of my life. Remind me that it is not my strength that carries me through but that it is Yours.
Help me to trust You with my worries, Lord. Lead me in Your path of peace and wisdom, and to submit my ways to You. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, amen.
Worry can easily take hold of our hearts. It is easier to worry than to pray.
Praying does require us to do what may be unnatural to us if we are just beginning to turn to God in the midst of our anxieties. But the more we do it, the more we practice a posture of prayer when worry creeps in, the more we will live lives led by prayer instead of worry.
Aredo Harriet
Saturday 16th of September 2023
I would like to learn how to pray and always prioritize God in my service
Thursday 9th of June 2022
I am in the most verbally and sometimes physical abuse of a life time . Pray for me . I have PTSD from loosing my entire family to cancer and car wrecks.I left this man and when I go 100 miles away he called to say something was wrong with his beloved dog zues so I went back it was horrible and at the hands of a bad vet who blew his heart uo! I paid to have a huge lump and Doctored his collie took care of her for 15 years; now my PTSD companion dog 8 years old and was in the wedding pictures proof she was registered bought by me before we were married.He makes me feel threatened he will steal her from me I wish only I had never returned that 100 miles I did most of it to help his abused dogs now I'm the abused the accused the cussed the threatened.pray for me. I just need out of this abuse ridden marriage pray for me can he not remember what I all I've done for him , and when he got cance..... Why doesn't he leave me my companion pet ...pray 🙏 for us ....I took the collie 22 years old to be taken gently I helped him always ....I am victim yet he says he is I am called pig cunt or cuntly pray 🙏 for me I just need my own place and my Lil pet with me I'm afraid he'll take her 🙏 he won't amen