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4 Prayers in Times of Trouble

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Are you going through trials in your life? Have you lost a loved one or live with anxiety and fear? We can turn to God in these times through prayer. God offers comfort when we feel lost, lonely, anxious or heartbroken. Here are four prayers in times of trouble.

The beautiful Psalm 46 starts with this verse, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”

When you’re going through a time of trouble, there is nothing more comforting to know that you have a place to turn to as refuge when you feel lost and lonely. 

There is nothing better than finding strength when you feel weak and weary, and knowing that it comes from God, who is an ever-present help in trouble. 

We easily find ourselves turning to other means when we are experiencing times of trouble. Our first inclination is often to find our own solutions or make sense of what is happening. 

Often both of these solutions make us blind to the greater need that we have, and that is to turn to Christ, who is our ever-present help in hard times.

One of the ways we can turn to God in times of trouble is through prayer. Whether we’re going through loss, uncertainty, anxiety, mental illness, financial distress, or anything else in between, God is ever-present, we only need to turn our hearts toward Him. 

4 Prayers in Times of Trouble 

4 Prayers In Times Of Trouble Woman praying fervently

1. Prayer for God’s Comfort 

When you’re in a situation where you feel distressed, burdened, overwhelmed, lonely or heartbroken, there is nothing more that your heart desires than to feel comforted. 

Though we sometimes opt for other forms of comfort, whether it is to distract us, or to keep us preoccupied, the need for comfort can only truly be fulfilled as we give our hurting hearts into Christ’s trusting hands. If you’re in need of comfort today, pray to Christ, for His comfort and strength. 


I feel so weary, and alone. I don’t know where to turn or what to do, all I know is that I’m in need of Your comfort and mercy today. 

Things have not been easy lately. In fact, for a while it has felt as though there is no light at the end of this tunnel. It’s been so hard to wake up each day struggling to find motivation.

Sometimes it feels as though I’m all alone, but I know that’s not true. I know that You’re always with me, and at times I forget that I can simply turn to You in times of trouble. 

If I’m being honest, my heart feels so broken and I don’t know how to mend it. What I do know is that You’re able to put together a broken heart, and that You don’t turn away from a contrite spirit. 

Help me to give up my fears of what is to come, and my anxiety over the unknown. Remind me that You are with me, and that there is nowhere that I am where Your presence cannot be. 

Please protect me from thoughts of hopelessness, and help me to find my strength and comfort in Christ. Remind me of Your love, especially on days when I forget. 

Please enfold me with Your comfort today, and hold me close. Help me to look to You for the peace, hope and guidance that I need in my life. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

2. Prayer for God’s Help During Trial 

We all walk through difficult times in life. Sometimes those times can last for a while and other times it can be lengthy, or even a lifetime. 

Yet, in those times, we can count even the toughest of times, and trials as joy, not because they are enjoyable but because Jesus is with us, and the testing of our faith produces not only patience but so many other things.

If you’re facing a trial and you feel overwhelmed, bring those burdens to God in honest prayer. 


I am crying out to You for help. I know that there is nothing that is impossible for You. No matter how difficult a situation might seem, nothing is beyond Your ability and power.

I know people say that You give the toughest battles to Your strongest warriors, but if anything, this battle has made me see just how weak I am, and how deep my need for You is. 

Father, I know that trials are a part of life, and through them You refine us and make us look more like Christ. I’m having a hard time looking like Christ, because the heart of this difficulty feels like it is crushing me.

On my own I can do nothing, but through Christ I know You strengthen me to endure even the toughest of times. I am in such need of Your strength right now, Lord.

Please turn Your eyes toward me and help me. I ask that You would lift my head, and put a song of hope and praise in my heart. 

Keep me from being discouraged, and forgetting to hold onto the eternal hope that I have in Christ Jesus. Help me to trust You, even when I can’t see what You’re doing. 

Please give me Your peace that passes all understanding in times when I can’t understand or figure out why. Help me to trust Your character, even when my circumstances are different than I hoped they would be. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

3. Prayer After Losing A Loved One 

There is nothing like losing a loved one to remind us of the fragility of life. On the one hand it feels as though nothing could be as terrible, yet on the other hand, there is a sense of realizing how precious life is, and we learn both to grieve and to honor and cherish the life of our loved one. 

Whether you’ve recently lost a loved one or some time has gone by, their place will only feel empty. 

But there is hope and comfort in Christ as we mourn our loved ones, and we can ask in to comfort us and mend our hearts through prayer. 


My heart feels so broken. I don’t know how to move past this, it’s like my mind can’t comprehend that this has happened and that I won’t be able to see them again in this lifetime.

It feels like a cruel dream that I hope I can wake up from, but I know that it’s not. I know that this strange feeling of loss, of death, is meant to feel strange because it was never Your intention for us. 

It’s so hard to process this, and to know that death is a part of this broken world that we live in. How my heart longs for the day where death will no longer exist and every tear will be wiped away.

I ask that You would wipe away my tears, Lord. Please comfort me through this heartache, and loss, and help me hold onto You through it. 

Please give me the strength for each new day, and help me to hold onto the memories that I have with them. Help me to hold onto Christ as I try and wrap my head around what life looks like without them.

Your word says that You are close to the broken-hearted. Please be close to me, Lord, in this time, and remind me of Your ever-present help. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

4. Prayers for Anxiety & Fear 

It’s hard to feel peace when you are overcome with anxiety. There are endless things in life that can become a point of stress or anxiety. Scripture speaks of anxiety many times, and we can find many encouragements for those fear filled or anxiety driven times that we experience. One of the best ways we can deal with anxiety is to ask God to replace the anxiety that we feel with peace and trust in Him.


I feel filled with anxiety and fear today. There are so many things that are weighing on me, and I don’t know how I’m going to get through it all without a breakdown.

I feel so far away from peace, and my mind seems to run away with me. The anxious thoughts feel like they’re consuming me, and I’m allowing them to control my actions.

Please help me to turn to You in my anxiety and fear. Help me to remember whenever I feel overwhelmed or a situation seems too much for me to handle, that You are greater than anything that I will ever face.

I don’t want to operate out of fear or anxiety anymore. I want to place my trust in You, and lean on who You are. You’re the Creator of all things, and You sustain all things. 

I ask that You would make my heart still from the many anxieties that have taken it hostage. Please quiet the voices of fear and my flesh, and make Your word the loudest.

Please grow my faith. Remind me that my trust is not in fallible, human or changing circumstances but it is in You, who never changes and remains the same. 

I ask that You replace my fear with trust and the anxiety that I feel with peace. May Your peace fill my heart, and mind, and flow into every part of my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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