Becky lives in Texas with her husband and two sons. She is passionate about supporting people in drawing nearer to Christ using Scripture, prayer, and journaling.
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Pray these 7 Prayers For My Future Husband as a single woman looking to lift your future spouse in God’s hands before you even meet him.
It’s never too early to pray for your future husband (and don’t miss these 7 prayers for your boyfriend if you’re already in a relationship, as well!). Whether he is already in your life as an acquaintance or friend. Whether you’re in a dating relationship with him or you are yet to meet him, prayer is the best way to prepare yourself and care for him before your worlds collide with one another.
The wait for your future husband can become frustrating. It can be easy to get into a place of discouragement, discontentment or fixation, wondering whether the guy you met at the coffee shop, or the gym, or even the dog park could be the one.
Wherever you find yourself, whether you’ve just grown to desire marriage or you’ve been patiently waiting for what feels like an eternity. I hope that these prayers will be an encouragement to you.
One of the best ways you can love someone, especially someone you haven’t met yet, is to pray for them. If it is God’s will for you to get married, you will spend your life with this person. While you wait to meet them, prayer can help you not only help you trust God with him, but also prepare both you and him for your future marriage.
These prayers for your future husband are examples that you can follow and will help you to get into the habit of praying for him to grow into the man that God has created him to become, and your future marriage.
f you’re looking for prayers for your future wife, we have those, too!
Prayers For My Future Husband
Prayer for his relationship with Jesus
Heavenly Father, If I’m being honest, it can be so easy to think of my future husband only in relation to myself and what our relationship will look like. For that I ask for Your forgiveness because I know that there is no relationship more important than my future husband’s relationship with you. It is what our foundation will be based on, and if that relationship is weak, our relationship will hurt.
I pray that You would lead him to the cross, Lord. If he doesn’t know Jesus yet, I pray that You would meet him on the road that he is on right now and bring his heart to know You and to grow in faith. If He has a relationship with You, I pray that You would help him to give his whole life over to You. I pray that he would not be lukewarm in his affection and commitment to You, but would fall deeply in love with Christ and follow Him daily.
I pray that he will grow in his desire to know You more and to make You known to the world. I pray that his heart would be inclined to do Your will, and that he would not simply be a hearer, but a doer of the Word. Above all, I pray that he would be a man after Your heart, Lord.
In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.
Prayer for his day
Lord, I just want to thank You for my future husband’s life today. I want to thank You for waking him up today. You know what mood he is in, and what worries, or to-dos are on his mind for the day ahead. I pray that even as he wakes up, Lord, that he would wake up with a grateful heart for a new day and new mercies.
I pray that he will seek Your will and guidance as he begins the day. My prayer is that You would cover him in the armor of God, from his head to his feet. I pray that his thoughts would be guarded by Your word and led by Your Spirit. If he is struggling with any thoughts that are not from You, I pray that You would help him to fight off those thoughts with Your word and to find peace for his mind in You.
You know what lies ahead for him today, the tasks and responsibilities that he has to attend to. If he is working or in school, I pray that You would give him the energy and diligence to do his work. If he is feeling discouraged, I pray that You would lift his head and help him to remember to do all that he does as unto You, and not for man.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Prayer for his character
Dear Lord, I thank You that I’m able to pray for my future husband today. In Your word You say that You do not look merely at the outward appearance, but You look at the heart. Sometimes it can be easy to get caught up in the outward while forgetting the inward, which will far outlast the outward.
I want to pray for his character today. I pray that you would prepare him through daily situations in his life. If he is dealing with frustrating circumstances, I pray that You will grow him in patience. If he is struggling with a storm in his life, I pray that You would grant him peace and trust in You through the storm.
I pray that you would grow him in the fruit of the Spirit. I pray that he would learn to walk in peace, patience, joy, faithfulness, forgiveness, self-control, kindness, and gentleness.
In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.
Prayer for his role as husband
Father, thank You for the beautiful gift of marriage. You’ve created marriage with a purpose and with a specific role for us to play as husband and wife. Today I want to specifically pray for my future husband in his role. If it is Your will for us to get married, then that role is a God-given role for him. I know that if You have chosen him to be my husband, You are able to work with him and grow him in this role.
I pray that You would grow him in ways that would prepare him for becoming a husband. I pray that You would teach him to lead others around him well, that he would grow in honor and respect. That he would grow in humility and submission to You, so that he could lead his family to worship You.
I pray that he would rely on You for his strength and guidance as a husband. I pray that he would look to Your word for direction. I pray that he leads his family to You and loves me as Christ loves the church.
In Your Name, I pray, amen.
Prayer for wisdom
Lord, I thank You for the wonderful gifts that You give us. Your word says that if anyone lacks wisdom, we should come to You and ask, and You will give it to us. We can all use more of Your wisdom. That is why I am praying for my future husband today.
I pray that You would lead him to seek Your wisdom. I pray that You would help him to now lean on his own ways or understanding, but to seek Yours. I pray that You would provide him with wisdom in the decisions that he has to make daily. If there are decisions he has to make that will majorly impact his life path, I pray that You will guide him in the way that he should go.
I pray that he will continue to grow in the knowledge of Your word and learn to apply it to his daily life. If there are things that he feels unsure about, I pray that You would grant him clarity and understanding.
In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.
Prayer for him to resist temptation
Heavenly Father, You know the struggles that my future husband faces daily. You know the deepest crevices of his heart, his weakness, his hurts and the temptations that he faces. Just as I have my own sins that I am tempted with, I know that he, too, has his own struggles.
Today, I want to pray for the temptations that he faces daily. I know that he has his own internal battles, the choice of choosing the spirit or the flesh. I pray, Lord, that You would help him to lean on You for the strength to face those temptations. Please help him to not entertain those thoughts, behaviors or situations, but to flee from it, as Your word says.
When he does fall into temptation, and sin against You, please bring his heart to true sorrowful repentance and lead him to rest in Your forgiveness. Help him to stand firm by being covered in Your armor daily, and to withstand the schemes of the enemy. Surround him with brothers who can walk this road with him, and draw him back to You when he falls.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
A prayer for you – as you wait patiently for the Lord’s time
This last prayer is specifically for you. As you wait on the Lord for your future husband, it may require a lot of trust and patience. As you pray for God’s work in him, God is also working in you, and you both will be able to enjoy the fruit of the waiting period together.
Lord, I trust that You have given me this beautiful desire for marriage. I know that there is so much more to marriage than what I sometimes realize. Though the wait can sometimes feel tortuous, I know that it is not an idle time, but one in which You are preparing both myself and my future husband. Please help me to seek Your face during this time. Help me to find my worth, identity, and joy in You, so that it is not something I place on my husband to fulfill but something that I can bring to our marriage because You have filled me with it already. Help me to hold onto him loosely, and onto You tightly, knowing that he is Yours before he is mine.
In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.
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Prayers For Today: 15 Heartfelt Daily Prayers For Inspiration