Becky lives in Texas with her husband and two sons. She is passionate about supporting people in drawing nearer to Christ using Scripture, prayer, and journaling.
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If you need peace of mind today, bring your mind and heart before the Lord with open hands and ask him to lead you to a place of a peaceful mind.
Whenever we are feeling confused, anxious, stressed, or under pressure we can feel desperate and captive to the worries in our minds. Left untreated, this will make us sick in more ways than one.
Prayer is the perfect place to turn when we don’t know the answers to the concerns of our heart, or when we feel anxious and lacking in tranquility. Life can be so incredibly confusing and disorienting, but the act of bending our knees in prayer can calm our anxious hearts.
When we feel out of control, we can turn to the One Who is in control.
1 Peter 3:10-11 says, “Whoever would love life and see good days…He must turn from evil and do good; he must seek peace and pursue it.”
We learn from this passage that peace is something we can pursue. We can ask the Lord for peace. Prayer is something we do to receive peace of mind knowing we are a child of God and recipients of His Peace.
4 Prayers For Peace Of Mind
1. Prayer to Identify What is Keeping Us from Peace of Mind
Sometimes we can be unaware of the very thing robbing us of peace. Life can be a swirl of emotions, trauma, and confusion. Ask the Lord today to help you identify what is standing in the way, what is the block between your current state of mind, and peace of mind.
Dear Jesus,
Today I am bringing my troubled heart and anxious mind before You. Lord, You know all things, You therefore know how burdened I am. If I am completely honest, I don’t even know for sure what the barricade is keeping me from experiencing Your peace.
In this moment, I am asking You, Lord, to show me what that blockage might be. If I am troubled because of the sin of another person, bring comfort, wisdom, and deliverance.
If it is a sin condition in my heart, help me to eradicate it. If it is an issue of control, help me to surrender my trust to You. If I lack the ability to trust You, give me faith. And Lord, if it is due to a lack of discipline, grant me the grace to grow in stamina and resolve.
Please, Lord, carry my thoughts from chaos to trust. I know Lord according to 2 Timothy 1:7 that “God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” I am asking You, Lord, for Your spirit, and for exactly what this passage states: for power, love, and self-discipline.
I am placing all my hope and attention on how Your Spirit might lead me. Direct my thoughts, aches, and dreams toward Your perfect peace, and align my actions with Your will. Give me a mind that pursues peace.
Thank You, Lord, for always loving me. For never condemning me when I confess my need of You. Hold me in the palm of Your hand and grow me evermore in tranquility before God.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
2. Prayer for the Courage to Pursue Peace
When we are doing battle with eliminating things that rob us of peace, we may experience discouragement. For instance, ‘this is too hard. I can never fully give up _____, I’m too dependent on it.’
It’s in these moments of temptation that we desperately need the courage to take steps toward peace. Maybe it’s a discussion we’ve been putting off having, a habit that we want to forego, or maybe even just the continuing destructive thought process our mind tends to cycle in.
These moments of overwhelm can render us powerless unless we possess the God-given courage to take those steps of obedience on the path toward peace. Turn to the Father for the courage you need to fight the good fight.
You have brought to my attention my issue with ______. I know that You are working in me to bring about refinement, strength of character, and Your plans for my life and ministry. God, I don’t want anything holding me back from what You have for me.
Today, I find myself lacking in peace of mind, and I know it is because there are necessary steps that I need to take on my path toward peace. I am overwhelmed at the thought of letting go of old habits and familiarity.
I know that there is so much blessing for me on the other side of this, and I am desperate for the courage to do what You’ve asked me to do.
Be my strength Lord, Jesus. Deepen my hunger for You so that these obstacles shrink in comparison to my desire to align my life with Your leading. Give me a sense of guidance and show me how to take these steps. Show me how to find my fulfillment in You instead of in the world.
When the lies creep in my ear, whispering that I’ll never be free, let Your courage rise in me so that I will have the ability to combat the lies with the truth. Give me a holy fight that refuses to shrink back into the old way of life.
Lord, show me my new identity. Help me say to myself: That was the old me, THIS is the new me.
Your Word tells me in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that “…anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”
I want a holy, restless motivation to eradicate these lies in my ear that would keep me from fullness in Christ and peace of mind. Make me ever-growing, ever-deepening, Lord. I know that this pursuit will bring so much peace to my mind and life.
Lord, I thank You that I do not have to do any of this on my own. I thank You for being my Rock always ready to give me the courage I need.
Prime my heart and mind to receive Your courage and to truly pursue peace in my relationships, my work, my community, and my mind. Thank You, precious Jesus.
In the Name of our Prince of Peace: Jesus, Amen.
3. Prayer to Surrender the Future to God
Often what robs us of peace of mind is our worry over the future. Jesus said in Matthew 6:31 “So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
Clearly, Jesus understands our propensity to worry about the future. We need supernatural strength to resist the urge to allow our concern for the future to rob us of peace of mind.
Jesus reminds us that instead, we can surrender the future to the Father, and seek today to glorify and trust Him in our everyday lives. But this is much easier said than done, so we need the Holy Spirit’s power to seal our mind and keep us in a posture of trust toward Him.
I come to You now asking that You bring blessing over tomorrow. All that the future holds is completely and entirely unknown to me. And all I can do is be responsible today.
Be my Rock of refuge so that I can let go of these invasive anxieties. Help me when the power of my thought life threatens to run away with me. Hold me fast when all the ‘what ifs?’ run through my thinking.
I pray for Your will for tomorrow. Your best, Lord. That is my desire. I trust You. Help me to be in neutral gear–ready for Your gentle leading. Lord, pour out Your blessing, be merciful to us, meet all our needs. We come before You in need of Your gracious provision and we look to You, Maker of heaven and earth.
Oh, Lord, let me remember Isaiah 9:6: that You are the Prince of Peace. I praise You, Lord, because it is ok that I am unable to control the future–You never asked that of me. Help me discern my responsibility from Yours. Thank You, God, that I do not have to be sovereign, because You, Oh Lord, are Sovereign.
In the meantime, in this wait, give me peace of mind. I give my thoughts to You. I give my anxieties to You. I give my trust over to You as well. There is no better place for my trust than in Your mighty hands.
Lord, as I inhale and exhale this prayer, I know that Your heart for me is great. Your heart for my loved ones is great.
Thank You, Father, for Romans 8:28: “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” As we seek Your purposes, please cause all these pieces to work together for good—for abundance.
I receive Your peace, and I reject the lies of the enemy. Fill me with Your resolve, with belief, and hope for what You are doing in the future. Give me the grace to sense Your presence, Your strength in me.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
4. Prayer to Grow Peace of Mind by Reflecting on His Faithfulness
Sometimes we get stuck in a rut, maybe we find ourselves in a moment of profound questioning or panic. During these moments it is important to reach out in prayer and be reminded of the Lord’s faithfulness in the past. This practice of remembering his faithfulness will support a more peaceful mind.
Deuteronomy 4:9 “You must be very careful not to forget the things you have seen God do for you. Keep reminding yourselves, and tell your children and grandchildren as well.”
Take a moment to remember the times of the past when you have seen the faithfulness of God. Or ask a friend to tell you a story of his faithfulness in their life. This practice does wonders for bringing about peace of mind.
Call to mind what He has done for you and praise Him for it.
You created me, You are the Maker of heaven and earth. You sent Jesus to make a way for us and You sustain our every breath. I am in awe of Your creation all around me.
As James 1:17 says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” You are the giver of all good things, and when I reflect on all that You have done for me, I am amazed.
Lord, You and I have been through so much together. You’ve seen me through it all. And I know You’ll do it again. Lord, as I remember Your faithfulness, will You give me peace of mind? Will You sustain my mind with memories of Your faithfulness, and Oh Lord, continue Your providence in my life.
In the faithful Name of Jesus, Amen.1 Thessalonians 5:24 “He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.”
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