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Whether you are a mother or father of a teen daughter or son, use these prayers for parents of teenagers for hope, encouragement, & peace.
Parenting teenagers is no small feat. It takes a good role model to successfully raise a teenager. Every step of their early age developmental needs requires the support of their parents to ensure their spiritual well-being is cared for, guiding them toward the right path, one that is influenced by the Kingdom of God instead of this dark world.
With no waves of doubt, parenting also has its seasons of pain. Parenting teenagers can be demanding and normally comes with particular challenges, prompting self-reflection on your weaknesses (and personal growth, too). Yet, their teen years are also a season of profound blessings, witnessing your teenager question life’s norms, deepen connections, develop strengths and character growth, and shape their individuality with important life decisions.
The prayers below are written by one of the mothers I look up to most. She has teenagers of her own and understands the struggles, fears, blessings, and battles of parenting teens well (a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs, for sure!).
Use the prayers below to draw near to the Lord, encourage your own heart, and ask for God’s hand to guide your teenager’s life, as well.
Prayers For Parents Of Teens

A Prayer Of Blessing For Your Teenager
Lord God,
This precious one who once depended upon me for their every need is now approaching adulthood. Lord, perfect phrases are not enough to express my thankfulness for this young tender life booming with potential, eager to fly and rich with dreams. Oh, since the day I held my child in my hands, witnessing each step of their growth has taught me the true meaning of unconditional love. What a privilege to coach this once-baby into the fullness of independence. Oh, Lord, I pray that you would guide their passions, and anoint their life with purpose and blessing. Help them make good decisions with fear of the Lord in their hearts and not based on peer pressure. Surround them with the right friends, wise people, and godly influences, those whom You will use to make a positive influence on them.
Even now, Lord, give them the maturity to see beyond themselves, and into a hurting world in need of compassion and empathy. As you develop their giftings, also develop in them a specific corresponding burden. A burden that leads them to make a difference, a niche in which to minister the awesome love of Jesus. In work, in recreation, in relationships, and all of life, may they hear Your direction over their lives. And, Lord more than anything, may they ever draw near to Your heart and desire to have a personal relationship with You.
Help me transition gracefully from helping them to walk, to cheering for them on the sidelines. Given the limits of our human ability, grant me a pure heart and wise discernment so I know when to nurture and when to acquiesce. I lay down my opinions, my assumptions, and my wants. I know that Yours Lord, are far better, deeper, and richer than my own! I cannot begin to grasp the truth that You love them so much more than I do, but right now in this moment I anchor myself, and derive all of my courage from this truth.
You, Lord, are trustworthy, and there is no safer place for my child than in the center of Your will and perfect love. I trust You and ask You to bless and keep this sweet soul all of their days; and precious Jesus, hold me as I launch them from my nest and into your world. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.
“Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always.”
1 Chronicles 16:11
A Prayer For A Frustrated Parent
Jesus Christ,
Oh, Lord, how we need you in this house. Misunderstanding and growing pains abound. Words born out of raging hormones, exhausted minds producing gloomy moods, and the awkwardness of a child becoming an adult all can add up to feel completely exasperating. Deep inside my heart, I know that You are not pleased with unhealthy relationships.
Lord, in these moments where every button in me feels pushed, and I feel so underappreciated, help me remember Your patience with me throughout all of my life. Help me to remember how hard it was to be a teenager; a time frame loaded with confusion and temptation. One consisting of a mature body ready to take on the world, coupled with zero adult experience. Give me grace to be an instrument of love to my child and wisely in this pivotal time in their life.
Lord, will you fill me up with the fruit of Your Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Help me set boundaries and natural consequences with kindness and love. Help me to keep coming to you for my fuel, I don’t want to be fueled by anger–or any other trigger my teenager may stumble upon. I want to be fueled, and grounded in the never ending grace of Jesus.
During difficult times, help me discern Lord, when to firmly lay down an appropriate consequence for my teen; is this a moment where it would serve them best to learn a hard lesson? Or Lord, is this a moment to give a hug and provide an opportunity for my teen to rest from the world. Or both? Lord, I am relying on Your great power and I am crying out for wisdom. Reflecting on Scripture passages tells me that we’re in spiritual warfare, so help me put on the breastplate of righteousness in times of trouble in our relationship.
I pray that You would give me and my teen patient humility as we interact with one another. Soften our hearts as we walk this journey to adulthood, protect us from pride and stubbornness. Grant us understanding and appreciation for one another. May Your love always be reflected in my words, discipline and actions toward my teen. Sanctify our passions and desires in the Name of Jesus, Amen.
“May the Lord direct your hearts in God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.”
2 Thessalonians 3:5
A Prayer for Your Teen’s Developing Identity
Father God,
I thank you for the gospel of Jesus. That because of His death and resurrection, mankind can open our hearts and receive forgiveness of sin as well as grace to have a relationship with You. Let this be the heartbeat of all that I do so that my teen can observe where identity comes from.
Let me not understand my identity based on the daily sum of the praise of people, or a list of my productivity and successes. I want to rest in the shadow of the cross and live freely from that place. I am a daughter of the King, I do not now need to earn His approval, but miraculously, I now live from His approval. Praise you God because Jesus has shared His identity with me!
I remember being a teenager Lord, how as a young person I looked to others to tell me who I was. Lord, help my teen to begin to grasp what you offer in Jesus. They do not have to be a slave to the opinions of peers and worldly influences. Put a hedge of protection over them from the spirit of rebellion and external influences that lead to sexual immorality. Holy Spirit, draw their heart to yours. Tune their ears to your voice. Give them a passion for God’s Word. And as You do this divine work in them, help me speak your identity into them. Show me the characteristics You are developing in them so that I might be a supportive voice cheering them on in the way that You have gifted them.
And as they face temptation to find their worth in other places may You guide them back. Graciously remind them Lord, that they are yours. Call them Lord, tell them who they are, and pour your richest blessings over them. I declare that the plan of the enemy will not prevail because their identity be ever wrapped up in the love and power of Jesus. It is because of Him and the power of His Name, that I have the courage to ask these things. Amen.
“Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”
John 1:12
A Prayer for Finding Favor with a Teen:
O God,
I look around and society tells me that my relationship with my teen will be one of frustration and conflict. But today, I focus my eyes on what the Word of God says about our lives and identity. I refuse to believe the lie that the only path to adulthood is one of rebellion and bad decisions. I want my teen to look back on this time of life as a purposeful and life-giving season. And I want to hold it close to my heart as a precious time as well.
Lord, in the same way, that you granted Daniel favor in the sight of the Babylonian official, I pray that you would grant me favor in the sight of my teen. I pray that their heart will be softened toward me and that I will bless them. I pray that my communication with them will be honoring and life-giving. I pray for an abundance of grace between us and like-mindedness, and mutual respect.
I also pray Lord, that You would give me insight into their life on a regular basis. That you would master my intuition and allow my instincts to be attentive and considerate. If there are areas that I need to ask for forgiveness, I pray you will give me the courage and humility to do so sincerely. Please bless our relationship and protect us from pride and tearing one another down. Thank You for the example of Christ’s love ever before us. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.
“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name with God and man.”
Proverbs 3:3-4
A Prayer for Your Teenager’s Relationships
O Lord,
I pray for my teen today and their relationships. I pray for good, supportive, loyal, and mature friends who will walk alongside my teen. For friends who are a good influence and bring out the best in my teen. I pray against gossip, betrayal, and broken hearts; instead, I ask that you would bless them with laughter and deep bonds to weather the difficulties of this life.
I pray that my teen would be a good friend to his/her peers. That he/she would have a hospitable attitude toward others, and an empathetic and kind heart toward people. When friends and family inevitably fail my teen’s expectations, grant that my teen would be gracious and forgiving–just as you are toward us.
Heavenly Father, I pray that as my teen comes into contact with those who would be potentially destructive, that you would guide them in wisdom. Give them a discerning heart and lead them in appropriate boundaries. I pray you would spare my teen hardship and broken-heartedness; and instead, give them flourishing relationships. In all things, and in all relationships, may you have the glory in my teen’s life. In the Name of Jesus, Who is our ultimate Friend, Amen.
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”
1 Thessalonians 5:11
“One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”
Proverbs 18:24
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