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4 Prayers Before a Test

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Seeking God’s guidance, calm, and confidence before a test? Use these prayers to calm your mind, focus your thoughts, and boost your confidence for your upcoming exams.

When you have an upcoming test or exam that you are anticipating, it can sometimes be a stressful time. If you are preparing for a test, and looking for a prayer to help you before you take your test, you’re in the right place. 

When it comes to our lives as Christians, there is nothing that we can’t bring to God in prayer. You can ask God to not only help you in your preparation, but also to guide you during your test. 

Even when we have studied for many hours, it is important to ask God to help us, and give us both the clarity and strength to push through the test. 

There are many reasons why it’s not only important but helpful to pray before taking a test. Through prayer we can ask God to help calm our nerves, provide us with focus, help us to recall what we studied, and to give us understanding, to name a few.

No matter how the test goes, when we remember to invite God into this time, it serves as a reminder to us that our worth ultimately lies in Him, and not our test scores. With that in mind, we can do our best through preparation, and trust in Him to guide us through it. 

4 Prayers Before a Test

Picture of a test sheet with red A+ written on it and circled

1. Prayer for Anxiety Before the Test

One of the most common feelings many people feel when it comes to writing a test is anxiety. Whether you have studied well, or not as well as you could have, test anxiety can be real, and can get in the way of your focus and memory during a test. It’s a good idea to pray about those nerves before a test, and ask God to fill you with peace

Heavenly Father, 

As I prepare to write this test, I ask that You be with me. Your word says that I shouldn’t be anxious about anything, but to bring all things to You in prayer. 

I confess, I am feeling a bit anxious about writing this test. My prayer is that You would help any anxious thoughts or feelings inside of me to subside. 

Help me to look to You in confidence, and assurance, rather than fix my mind on the anxious feelings that are tugging at me. Please bring a great calm over my thoughts, and let my heart take comfort in You. 

You have given me the ability to study, and the opportunity to learn. Please help me to view this test as a good gift, rather than something to dread. Please keep any anxiety from distracting me, and being able to express my answers clearly, and with understating. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen. 

2. Prayer for Focus During the Test 

When it comes to writing a test, focus is an important part of getting through the test. But it can be hard to focus sometimes when you get easily distracted, or if there are a lot of things on your mind, especially in times when you are going through something in your personal life. Before you write your test, take a moment to ask God to clear any distractions from your mind and help you to write with focus and clarity. 

Dear God, 

I’m getting ready to take my exam, and my prayer is that You would help me to do so with focus, clarity, and calmness. Please fill me with Your peace, and help me not to be distracted during my exam. 

Please help me not to rush through any sections of the test, but to read through it carefully, and to answer with clarity and precision. Help me not to focus on many parts of the exam at once, but to take it question by question, so that I can answer each question to the best of my ability.

I ask that You keep my memory sharp, and help me to easily recall what I have both studied, read and heard on the subject. Please keep me from getting mentally exhausted during the exam, and grant me the mental stamina to get through the exam with as much focus as possible. 

Keep any anxiety from making me lose track of the information that I studied, and help me to concentrate throughout the test. If I need to pass over a question, and return to it, please help me to return to it with a better grasp, memory and focus. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen. 

3. Prayer for Recalling During Test

When you’ve studied for hours and prepared well for a test, the hope is that you can remember all that you have studied so that you can answer any questions that are on the test regarding that subject. Sometimes you can get to a question and go blank, even if you have studied for it. Because memory plays such a big role in tests, it is wise to ask God for guidance during your test, and the ability to recall what you have studied. 


As I take this exam, I have done all the studying that I could do. I know that I cannot prepare any more than I have, and now it’s time for the test. Please be with me as I take this test, and guide me through every question.

Help me to keep the information that I studied, and that I was taught during class at the forefront of my mind. If there is anything that I am struggling to recall, please provide me with clarity and a better understanding. 

I ask that You would be gracious to me in the information that I may have overlooked, or spent less time focusing on. Please help me to be kind to myself as well, and to remember that at the end of the day this test does not reflect my value.

As I read through each question, I ask that You would help me to remember the applicable information that I studied, and to answer accurately and with understanding. Please let my memories able to recall be strong, and effective. And help me to do the best that I can with what I have studied. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen. 

4. Prayer for Studying Before a Test 

Before you write your test there’s a lot of studying that needs to be done. When you study well, and prepare well, the expectation that your test will go well is normally guaranteed. Although we might not always know what to expect in a test, with a guideline, we can make sure that we have covered most of our bases, and have been diligent in our preparation time. We can ask God in prayer to help us in our study time, and to give us the focus that we need. 


I know that tests are a part of life, not only in school but in many other areas of our lives. Sometimes we can prepare for those tests and other times we can’t. But I am grateful that I can prepare for the upcoming test that I am going to write soon.

Please give me the discipline to study for my test each day. Help me to be diligent, and throughout my studies, making sure that I have covered the topics sufficiently. Help me to not only memorize but to understand what I am learning so that I can apply it later on. 

I ask that You would grant me the energy that I need to study, and to remain focused during those times. Please help me to have a good perspective on studying, and reap all the benefits of learning and growing in knowledge.

As I study, I ask that You would help me to concentrate. Please help me to remember what I have studied, and to recall it well when the time for my test comes around. Please keep me from being distracted during this time, and help me to use my time effectively. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

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